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Yogyakarta’s Hidden Gems: Off-the-Beaten-Path Adventures

 Situs Taman Sari Yogyakarta Perbesar

Situs Taman Sari Yogyakarta

VISIT INDONESIA – While Yogyakarta’s well-known attractions are captivating, the city has a wealth of hidden gems waiting to be discovered by intrepid travelers. Kali Biru, or the Blue River, is one such spot. With its turquoise waters and surrounding greenery, it’s an ideal place for picnics, swimming, and relaxation.

Kotagede, the historic silver crafting hub, offers an authentic glimpse into Yogyakarta’s craftsmanship heritage. Visitors can explore workshops, witness skilled artisans at work, and even purchase intricate silver pieces to take home.

For those seeking serenity, Taman Sari Underground Mosque is a unique find. Located beneath the Taman Sari Water Castle, this hidden mosque was built during the Sultanate era. It’s a peaceful spot that reflects the city’s religious diversity and architectural ingenuity.

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